by Mr. Leadville | Apr 18, 2020 | Leadville News
by Andrea GermanosThe Trump administration on Friday released a new land use plan for southwestern Colorado that community and conservation advocacy groups warn is a “dangerous” pathway towards increased fossil fuel extraction that makes no “climate,...
by Mr. Leadville | Apr 18, 2020 | Leadville News
Join us for Episode 24 of , as we de-wonk Colorado’s instream flow program, a critical tool to protect and enhance river flows across the state of Colorado. Rivers form the lifelines of Colorado’s economy and lifestyle. On both sides of the Continental Divide, rivers...
by Mr. Leadville | Apr 18, 2020 | Leadville News
In 1981 a tornado ripped through Thornton and caused major damage. Last year, funnel clouds were spotted across much of the area. Image courtesy City of Thornton archives. As is customary, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has declared this coming week Severe...
by Mr. Leadville | Apr 18, 2020 | Leadville News
by: Colorado Pols April 14, 2020 at 9:20 AM MDT President Donald Trump, Sen. Cory Gardner.As the Denver Post’s Justin Wingerter reports–it would appear somebody has come to the conclusion that last week’s public relations debacle for Sen. Cory Gardner, who tried to...
by Mr. Leadville | Apr 18, 2020 | Leadville News
El Paso County Public Health and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment have identified the following long-term care facilities have outbreaks of coronavirus.A long-term care facility has outbreak of coronavirus when two people in the facility have a...