by Mr. Leadville | Jun 16, 2020 | Leadville News
This summer, the Colorado Tourism Office’s usual tips for visitors — stick to trails, respect wildlife, scoop up dog poop — come with advice on wearing masks, staying 6 feet way from people and hand washing. Welcome to vacations in the era of COVID-19. The tourism...
by Mr. Leadville | Jun 16, 2020 | Leadville News
In her early 20s, Esohe Igbinedion got her first taste of the legal system while trying to fight a simple traffic ticket. She remembers the experience was frustrating and nerve-racking and intimidating all at once. “It was really an anxiety-filled situation until I...
by Mr. Leadville | Jun 15, 2020 | Leadville News
When schools in Colorado let out for summer break, it’s typically that: a break. By early June, school administrators have solidified the next year’s budgets and educators have finalized their schedules. Parents, students and faculty have a good idea of what’s to come...
by Mr. Leadville | Jun 15, 2020 | Leadville News
It started with Confederate generals and now it’s progressed to the first president of the United States of America. Radical Democrats are on a statue and name-erasing spree in their quest for justice and to right every wrong throughout our country’s history. But...
by Mr. Leadville | Jun 15, 2020 | Leadville News
A police accountability bill introduced amid protests in Denver has passed the Colorado state Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support. Senators from both parties spoke at length on Tuesday about the compromise that went into the bill before backing it in a 32-1...