by Mr. Leadville | Dec 23, 2020 | Leadville News
A Colorado company is reporting new developments in what an industry representative calls the “holy grail” of the evolution of electric vehicles — a solid state battery. Solid Power in Louisville said it has produced an automotive-scale battery, a step toward...
by Mr. Leadville | Dec 23, 2020 | Leadville News
A combination of extended lockdowns, short staffing and rising anxiety about COVID-19 has created a situation in Colorado’s prisons that the director of the state’s prisons called “tenuous” and that has outraged inmates’ families. Prisoners are fed substandard meals —...
by Mr. Leadville | Dec 22, 2020 | Leadville News
In 2020, events were canceled, gatherings curtailed and holiday traditions shattered.Concerts, festivals, celebrations — the COVID-19 pandemic wiped them all out. And the businesses that support them might not be far behind.Jim and Pam Wear of Monument have run Pro...
by Mr. Leadville | Dec 22, 2020 | Leadville News
The Jefferson County GOP began its annual assemblies in the 1990s by asking all elected Republicans in attendance to say a few words. “It was not uncommon for it to take an hour to get through all of those speeches,” said Rob Fairbank, the former state representative...
by Mr. Leadville | Dec 22, 2020 | Leadville News
Despite recent welcome snowfall, the long-term outlook for Colorado’s winter is bleak following a dry summer and record-setting fires across the state. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is calling for drought conditions across the state to...