by Mr. Leadville | Aug 14, 2021 | Leadville News
It might seem like summer just started, but fall is right around the corner in Colorado and we all know what that means – golden aspens and leaf peepers. While the color change is expected, pinning down exactly when this will happen and how long it will last is a bit...
by Mr. Leadville | Aug 14, 2021 | Leadville News
A toaster on wheels. A character out of the Pixar film “Wall-E.” A souped-up popemobile. Turns out the white autonomous shuttles moseying around Colorado School of Mines on Tuesday morning were none of the above, as onlookers observed. Instead, the crowd in Golden was...
by Mr. Leadville | Aug 14, 2021 | Leadville News
The “whistleblower” Mike Lindell claimed would present bombshell evidence of election fraud at the South Dakota Cyber Symposium on Monday allegedly refrained from releasing the data that would irrefutably prove the 2020 election was stolen. This came after her office...
by Mr. Leadville | Aug 13, 2021 | Leadville News
How did a Colorado county’s election system passwords find themselves plastered on the internet for anyone to see? It’s another question that invites us to consider just how fragile America’s voting processes can be. According to The Colorado Sun, Secretary of State...
by Mr. Leadville | Aug 13, 2021 | Leadville News
Another familiar Texas restaurant chain is firing up expansion plans in the Pikes Peak region.Austin-based Torchy’s Tacos will open its first Colorado Springs restaurant in mid-October in the InterQuest Marketplace shopping center, northeast of Interstate 25 and...