What if the Citizens of Colorado owned the Colorado Rockies?
So one time, we tried to buy the Rockies…
Last week, on behalf of the citizens of Denver and Colorado, Denver Beer Co made an offer of $6215 to the Monfort family to formally purchase the Colorado Rockies baseball team. Surprisingly, the Monforts have yet to respond. But we’ll give ‘em another couple of weeks to think it over.
How did we get here?
Well, as longtime Rockies fans, we believe Denver deserves winning baseball. Though we appreciate the positive impacts that the Colorado Rockies have had on our community, we believe it is time for a change in management. We love this city and we are committed to Colorado. So we had a wonderful idea to buy the Rockies from the Monforts and bring a commitment to winning back. It is our dream to put Rockies ownership in the hands of the fans. We don’t want to go to games to see our team consistently lose. We want to make trade and coaching decisions that will result in wins for our team. It is time to change the status quo for Rockies baseball. We know we aren’t alone in this belief.
The GoFundMe
On April 1, 2021, we set up a GoFundMe page with the lofty goal of raising $1 billion dollars. Our plan was to open the site from April 1-May 1, 2021 and hopefully raise enough money to make an offer that the Monforts couldn’t turn down. We have absolute faith in Rockies fans everywhere and our collective power to meet the goal. It turns out we came up just a bit short. We were close, really. In the end, over 1000 fans and donors supported our campaign, giving $6215 to the GoFundMe. On May 1, we presented our offer to the Monforts for consideration. Annnnd, as we mentioned, we’re still waiting to hear back. We’re pretty sure they’re just working through some legal stuff and will be in touch soon.
So What Now?
If the Monforts decline our offer, we’re giving 100% of the money raised in our GoFundMe to the Angel Relief Fund. The Angel Relief Fund was created by the Colorado Restaurant Association to support restaurant and hospitality workers who have been negatively impacted by the pandemic by providing financial assistance and access to a hub of support services that provide Federal, State, and Community resources for housing, transportation, mental health, medical, child care assistance support and more. It is an amazing organization which directly supports our community. We’ve encouraged the Monforts to match our donation, we hope they do the right thing.
Beyond the fundraising effort, we hope we’ve sent a message. We hope the Monforts prioritize winning as they curate our team. We hope they think of the fans and the greater community who wants to see winning baseball. We hope they know we’re disappointed by the way the team has been managed in the past. We hope they change the culture. We hope they know we all love this city, and we deserve winning baseball.
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This content was originally published here.