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Joe Biden won Georgia in 2020 (apply whatever asterisk here), and his party won both of the state’s Senate seats a few weeks later. Yet he and his party have spent the last year smearing and denigrating the Peach State because its Republican state legislature had the temerity to pass legislation to address some holes in the state’s election process.

Did anyone lose the right to vote? No. Political analyst David Harsanyi even issued a challenge: “I would love to interview a single person who has lost their voting rights. One.” Indeed, voter participation has increased over the last two decades.

Nevertheless, Biden says Georgia and other states like it are reenacting Jim Crow (or “Jim Eagle,” as he once so artfully put it). He even pushed to punish Georgia by moving Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game out of Atlanta last year, costing his own voters $100 million in lost economic activity. (Maybe that’s why Stacey Abrams didn’t show up for Biden’s speech on her signature issue.) The city’s team, the Braves, responded in the best way possible — by winning the World Series. Now, literally one day after the University of Georgia won its first college football championship since 1980, Biden and his sidekick Kamala Harris went down to the state to ruin the party with a reprehensible lecture about “voting rights.”

The title of the transcript of his remarks posted on the White House website repeats the BIG Lie: “Remarks by President Biden on Protecting the Right to Vote.” Unfortunately, even conservative news outlets are too often getting suckered into calling the Democrats’ bill “voting rights” legislation.

It’s nothing of the sort. As the Washington Examiner notes, Biden is “the chicken little of democracy.” President Unity and his fellow Democrats are NOT “protecting the right to vote.” They are undermining election integrity and diluting the legitimate votes of citizens with fraudulent ones, all in a bid to seize power permanently.

But Biden is depending on the civic ignorance of his constituents, who can’t distinguish between his voter fraud bill and “voter rights.”

Biden’s remarks were ugly, divisive, deceitful, and way off the mark. He began with a quote from Scripture — as if Democrats have any reverence at all for sacred things. He talked about praying at the crypt of Dr. Martin Luther King at Ebenezer Baptist Church (or, as he pronounced it, “Ebenezer Bastard Church”) — as if the Democrats’ color-obsessed mission today isn’t the total opposite of King’s dream. He told stories of and dropped names from the civil rights movement before lamenting the January 6 “insurrection” again — as if the relative handful of people who fought with Capitol Police and delayed a congressional vote that day nearly took away Americans’ civil rights or toppled the federal government. (That day was awful, but Democrats grossly overplay their hand.)

The January 6 moment that Biden says “stopped time,” dividing “all that came before from everything that followed,” is all the excuse Democrats need to push voting legislation they’ve been championing for years — HR 1 and HR 4. Such bills, again, would do nothing to protect voting rights, but would do everything to extend the Democrats’ bulk-mail ballot fraud. The bills foist on every state things like ballot harvesting, counting of mail-in ballots up to 10 days after elections (even without postmarks), and felon voting, all while Democrats aim to ban or at least severely restrict voter ID requirements.

So it takes a lot of chutzpah for Biden to stand up there and declare, “We’re here today to stand against the forces in America that value power over principle, forces that attempted a coup — a coup against the legally expressed will of the American people — by sowing doubt, inventing charges of fraud, and seeking to steal the 2020 election from the people.”

If you change the year to 2016, suddenly it’s a confession of what Democrats actually did. Such is the psychological projection so common on the Left. “History,” Biden said, won’t be kind to “those who side with election subversion.” Unless you control the government, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and academia — then you can write the history and move the levers of power so as to get away with it.

“Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion,” Biden said. “It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all. It’s not hyperbole; this is a fact.”

Anytime Biden says that last part, you know he’s lying. Georgia, Texas, and other states did not deny anyone the right to vote. They didn’t even say you couldn’t vote early, by mail, by drop box, or on weekends — all of those options are still available, despite Democrat lies claiming the contrary and even though some of those options weren’t available at all until the pandemic year of 2020. Still, to listen to Biden tell it, state officials are practically waiting at polling stations with firehoses aimed at Democrat voters.

Moreover, as The Daily Signal’s Fred Lucas writes, “As passed in 2021, the Georgia voting law is demonstrably less restrictive than voting laws in liberal states, such as New York, Colorado, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Rhode Island.” He continues: “Notably, Delaware, a state Biden represented in the U.S. Senate from 1973 till 2009, will have early, in-person voting for the first time in the 2022 elections. The Georgia voting law expands early in-person voting. It allows for 17 days of early in-person voting, seven more days than the new Delaware law permits.”

Funny, but Biden didn’t mention the gross failure of his own state to live up to his new standards for “democracy.”

Democrat legislation would federalize the election processes that the Constitution leaves to the states. It would institutionalize the same rules and gimmicks that help Democrats win. But Biden says that’s so important for the future of America that we must change the rules in the Senate — i.e., eliminate the filibuster — so we can change the rules everywhere else.

“Today I’m making it clear: To protect our democracy, I support changing the Senate rules, whichever way they need to be changed to prevent a minority of senators from blocking action on voting rights,” he declared. “When it comes to protecting majority rule in America, the majority should rule in the United States Senate.”

The Senate operates as it does precisely because our Founders did not want a majority-rules democracy, knowing that such governments inevitably lead to tyranny. As a senator for 36 years, Biden used to know that, vigorously defending the filibuster.

He now casts the filibuster as an impediment and obstacle, calling this a choice between “democracy [and] autocracy.”

Senator Joe Manchin for one can read the polling in his home state of West Virginia, and thus remains unconvinced. “We need some good rules changes to make the place work better,” he said Tuesday. “But getting rid of the filibuster doesn’t make it work better.”

Back to Biden’s speech, “Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace [a Democrat]?” he asked. “Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor [a Democrat]? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln [a Republican] or Jefferson Davis [a Democrat]?”

For our part, we want to be on the side of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. Biden used to be on the side of George Wallace and other segregationists, by the way. He probably just forgot to mention that yesterday.

Perhaps that’s because he was too busy telling yet another autobiographical lie, saying of civil rights protests, “It seems like yesterday the first time I got arrested…” He was never arrested in a civil rights protest, or for any other reason, for that matter. Yet he continually repeats the false claim in a narcissistic attempt to bolster his credentials. As Harsanyi quipped, “Maybe Biden is confusing this with the time he was never arrested in South Africa or the time he never marched with the Black Panthers or the time he never participated in a sit in.”

A man who can’t even tell the truth about himself, even after having specifically retracted a claim, can’t be trusted. Period.

The real problem, though, isn’t these relatively harmless fibs. It’s the BIG Lie — that Republicans are supposedly suppressing votes and destroying “democracy,” while Democrats are heroically protecting “voting rights.” Biden and his fellow Democrats are going to spend 2022 banging this drum as loudly as possible because they want to stave off what is increasingly appearing to be a red wave come November. If they succeed, it could be the last red wave we see for a while.

This content was originally published here.