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The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped our world almost overnight, limiting libraries’ ability to offer in-person storytime, activities and other popular programs. Many libraries and library systems were able to shift programs to a virtual format for the public to enjoy from the safety of home, but not all libraries had the staff or resources needed to provide virtual options to their communities. Now, Colorado libraries have teamed up to to make virtual programs and activities for adults, teens, and kids easy to find on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #LibrariesCOnnect. Participation is easy! All you have to do is:

#LibrariesCOnnect Social Media Toolkit

Sample Social Media Messages

Sample social media posts have been created to help libraries, schools, districts, state agencies and individuals in Colorado point community members to virtual storytimes, programs and presentations that libraries around the state are making available for all Coloradans. Just copy and paste the text! Please note that these are just suggested social media posts to make it easy for you, but you are more than welcome to modify and/or use additional posts.

Sample e-newsletter or website content (option 1 – for libraries that were able to create some, or lots, of virtual content)

#LibrariesCOnnect to Share Virtual Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped our world almost overnight, and [insert name of library] responded by shifting storytime and other popular programs to a virtual format for you to enjoy from the safety of your own home. And, guess what? Libraries all over the state have done the same thing, and there is a bunch of content out there for adults, teens, and kids. Now, Colorado libraries have teamed up to to make virtual programs and activities easier to find on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #LibrariesCOnnect. All you have to do to benefit from this outpouring of content is follow the hashtag on the social media platform to find programs and presentations that libraries are making available for all Coloradans. Check out what’s new!

Sample e-newsletter or website content (option 2 – for libraries that didn’t have resources muc, if any, virtual programming under stay-at-home and safer-at-home orders)

#LibrariesCOnnect to Share Virtual Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped our world almost overnight, limiting [insert name of library]’s ability to offer in-person storytime and other popular programs. Many libraries and library systems were able to shift programs to a virtual format for the public to enjoy from the safety of home, but not all libraries had the staff or resources needed to provide virtual options to their communities. Now, Colorado libraries have teamed up to to make virtual programs and activities for adults, teens, and kids easy to find on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #LibrariesCOnnect. All you have to benefit from this outpouring of content is follow the hashtag on the social media platform to find programs and presentations that libraries are making available for all Coloradans. Check out what’s new!

#LibrariesCOnnect Social Media Graphics

Download and post images with sample social media messages.

Facebook Banner (820×312)

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This content was originally published here.