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Statewide, 1,617 people have died with COVID-19, and of those, the deaths of 1,373 people were directly attributed to the disease.

El Paso County Public Health was reporting 1,992 cases and 112 deaths by the afternoon of June 16. The county reported 32 new cases on June 16, representing a jump: The daily average over the previous seven days was 10.29 cases.

Meanwhile, Colorado bars and concert venues — many of which have been closed since March — may be able to open in late June or early July with precautionary measures in place, Gov. Jared Polis announced June 15.

These changes will take place as part of the third major phase of the state’s coronavirus response, following stay-at-home and safer-at-home orders.

The new phase, called “Protect Our Neighbors,” will provide more flexibility for individual counties based on the size of local outbreaks in different parts of the state.

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Under the state’s proposed plan for this phase, all activities (other than mass gatherings with 500 people or more) would be permitted at 50 percent capacity.

“This is a marathon, not a sprint, and we have to find a way to sustainably live with this virus in our communities until there is a cure or vaccine,” Polis said in a statement. “If we can continue to wear masks, stay six feet away from others and empower our local public health agencies to meet the needs of their communities, then we can rely on these tools to flatten the potential second wave and reduce future outbreaks.”
Counties could enter the “Protect Our Neighbors” phase when they meet:

• “Low disease transmission levels”;
• “Local public health agency capacity for testing, case investigation, contact tracing, and outbreak response”; and
• “Hospital ability to meet the needs of all patients and handle the surge in demand for intensive hospital care.”

The state expects some counties to begin transitioning into this phase by late June or early July.

• “Low disease transmission levels”;
• “Local public health agency capacity for testing, case investigation, contact tracing, and outbreak response”; and
• “Hospital ability to meet the needs of all patients and handle the surge in demand for intensive hospital care.”

The state expects some counties to begin transitioning into this phase by late June or early July.

Throughout the pandemic, the state health department wants Coloradans to maintain 60 percent social distancing. This means having less than half the number of close interactions, on average, as you normally would.

You can submit comments on the “Protect Our Neighbors” framework online through June 18.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is also seeking feedback on draft guidelines for residential camps and events. These guidelines would apply to counties in the safer-at-home phase.

For residential camps, the department proposed that camps should limit group sizes to 25 people outdoors or 10 people indoors, and allow for 6 feet of distance between campers. Family- or buffet-style meals would be prohibited.

CDPHE’s draft guidance for indoor events includes limiting attendance at standard-sized venues to 50 people or 25 percent of the venue’s capacity, whichever is fewer. Large venues could accommodate up to 75 people, and extra-large venues (over 11,300 square feet) could allow 100 people at events.

Under the draft guidance for outdoor events, CDPHE proposes increasing those limits — up to 50 people or 50 percent capacity for standard venues, 125 people for large venues and 175 people for extra-large venues.

Both indoor and outdoor venues would be required to ensure 6 feet of distance between people lined up at entrances and exits.

Those interested in submitting feedback on any of the draft guidance should do so by 5 p.m. June 17.

CDPHE released a “risks and benefits” guide to help people decide whether to engage in certain activities during the coronavirus pandemic.

“People need to be informed, then use their judgement to make individual decisions about what works best for them, their household members, and their communities,” state epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Herlihy said in a statement from CDPHE. “We really need everyone’s help to contain COVID-19 in Colorado. We all need to have fewer interactions with fewer people while maintaining social distancing.”

According to the guide, camping outside or visiting a vacation home poses low risks of virus transmission. CDPHE recommends camping or vacationing with members of your own household.

On the opposite end, CDPHE classifies going to bars and attending a protest among “high-risk” activities. People who participate in these activities are encouraged to wear a mask whenever possible.

Those who face extra risks of experiencing serious symptoms from COVID-19 (including people older than 65, those with chronic lung disease and the immunocompromised) should “aim to limit in-person interactions with others as much as they can, and carefully consider the risks and benefits of activities in which they choose to participate,” CDPHE’s statement said.

CDPHE says outdoor activities are safer than indoor activities, and smaller group sizes are also less risky. Doing an activity for a shorter amount of time, wearing a face mask and keeping 6 feet away from other participants can help decrease the risk of virus transmission.

This content was originally published here.