U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner released an emotional TV ad this week featuring his mother, a cancer survivor, to explain why protecting health care coverage for people with pre-existing conditions is so personal for him.
People like my mother who battle chronic diseases are heroes. I authored the bill to guarantee coverage to people with pre-existing conditions—no matter what happens to Obamacare—because some things matter more than politics. pic.twitter.com/uosfsAPvbc
— Cory Gardner (@CoryGardner) September 15, 2020
This was too much for Democrats to stomach so they resulted to attacking Gardner’s own mother in their effort to discredit the senator.
Jason Salzman, the so-called journalist over at the fake news lefty outlet Colorado Times Recorder, sunk to a new low when he accused Gardner of lying about his own mother being a cancer survivor.
For the record, I asked my mother if she would lie in a political ad if I asked her to, like @SenCoryGardner mother did. She said no. But she said she would trust me NOT to ask her to lie in the first place. #copolitics #cosen
— Jason Salzman (@BigMediaBlog) September 15, 2020
Salzman even filmed a video of his own mother saying she wouldn’t lie for him, even though he was literally having her spread lies in the process. Oh, the irony!
Here’s my mom saying she wouldn’t lie in political ad, like @SenCoryGardner mom did. But she said I wouldn’t ask her to lie. #copolitics #cosen #ACA pic.twitter.com/REESYV6qB7
But it didn’t stop with Salzman. A Democrat operative with American Bridge went on the attack and called Gardner’s emotional ad “truly dark stuff.”
This reminds me of Rick Scott using his mother’s passing to pretend to come out in favor of Medicaid expansion during the 2014 campaign only to immediately flip back after the election.
Some truly dark stuff here. https://t.co/9sThLtaFp7
— Max Steele (@maxasteele) September 15, 2020
The bottom feeders on John Hickenlooper’s communications staff also got in on the nasty act.
One of Hickenlooper’s gross and cynical press assistants and Twitter attack dogs, Ammar Moussa, basically accused Gardner of trying to kill his own mother and millions of Americans.
.@SenCoryGardner has literally spent his whole career trying to rip away protections from millions with pre-existing conditions – including from his mom.
This is a gross and cynical way to lie about his record.#cosen #copolitics https://t.co/Bvn9v1XYsY
— Ammar Moussa (@ammarmufasa) September 15, 2020
If only the Democrats could take a deep breath, stop their disgusting personal attacks, and open their minds for one minute, maybe they would realize Gardner is actually sincere and does not want to take away health care from his mother or anyone else with a pre-existing condition.
But sadly when it comes to Democrats, politics matters more than anything else.
This content was originally published here.