It’s a tale of two freshman classes in high schools across Colorado this year, one being the incoming freshman, many of whom might feel nervous or even unprepared for their transition into high school after a tumultuous 18 months. The others are the incoming sophomores, whose first year was largely over a screen, so they’ll still need to acclimate to their new environments.
“There are 650 people in my freshman class and we’re going through that with 650 other sophomores who have never really been here,” said Avery Schultz, who started classes Monday at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins. “That shows me ‘Hey, you’re not alone. Others are going through the same thing you’re going through.’”
Schultz and students in Grand Junction and Palmer Lake spoke of a challenging 2020-21 school year, academically and emotionally. They had to learn the ropes of online classes and manage their own schedules differently. Old friendships fizzled and new ones proved elusive. Details once taken for granted, like seeing the faces of fellow classmates, became almost luxuries.
But at the same time, they all had an unflinching optimism and durability, and understand that the pandemic means their high school experiences won’t mirror those of prior generations.
Avery Schultz, 14, sits in class during the second day of her freshman year at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2021.
“It was different”
“I didn’t really know what to expect when I first went to high school. In all the movies, it’s all jolly and everything,” 15-year-old Cooper Havenar said. “But it was different. I’m not gonna lie.”
Cooper Havenar and his brother, Jake Havenar, also 15, took classes online at Palmer Ridge High School for half of their freshman year. In school, they met irate teachers enforcing mask restrictions, closed cafeteria seats to promote social distancing and extensive limitations on simple things like physical contact. Online, they faced technological hurdles and had to adapt to a new way of learning. Often, Jake said he students felt like giving up, he said.
“There was no middle ground. You either did well or did terrible,” Jake Havenar said. “The people who struggled, struggled. And they continued to struggle throughout the year.”
This year, however, the brothers said they’re eagerly anticipating a fresh year of in-person classes without masks and with the entire student body (which was split up into cohorts last year for social distancing).
“I’m just ready to experience what high school actually would be like,” Cooper Havenar said.
“I probably forgot most of the math …”
McCovey Tobin turned 14 this month as she began her freshman year Aug. 10 at Grand Junction High School. She said she felt fortunate that she and her classmates only had to attend classes online for a few months last year..But certain classes, like math, proved even more challenging online than they normally are.
“I’m a visual learner. I need to see my teacher on the board, doing the work,” Tobin said. “I probably forgot most of the math that I learned in eighth grade and I’ll have to catch up this year.”
Juggling her online classwork as well as her personal life proved challenging, Schultz said, but teachers tried their best to keep the atmosphere as normal as possible. They’d joke and give students a chance to vent.
Students could sometimes see teachers yawning or wiping a tear from their eyes, she said.
“They were going through hardships like me,” Schultz said of the sense of camaraderie that formed. “Just knowing that, I was able to open up to them and they were able to open up to me.”
Schultz hopes that experience can help her work through whatever in-person high school throws her way.
“… totally lost our friendship”
Whether attending classes online or in person, the four students said they missed being able to recognize those around them. Faces were blocked either by masks or computer cameras that were left off.
“I didn’t even know what my teachers looked like until they took off their masks at the end of the year,” Jake Havenar said.
Tobin said she didn’t see friends for long stretches or they’d changed so much personally throughout the year that they didn’t recognize each other.
“My best friend since third grade, me and him totally lost our friendship,” Tobin said.
Students suffered from headaches. Depression and anger were common. Social gatherings were out, school dances ruined by too many rules and restrictions, sports seasons cut short.
Cooper Havenar is thrilled there’s a new dance on the calendar this year. Tobin was nervous to see old friends and acquaintances — an anxiety remains with the possibility that the coronavirus could force them all apart once more.
Avery Schultz, 14, poses for a portrait at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2021.
Silver linings
Despite the challenges, the four students maintained varying degrees of hope for the future and a sense of gratitude to be able to return to school at all. It will look different, sure, but not everything last year was bad.
The Havenars said they appreciated a more open schedule last year, which allowed them to manage their time as they saw fit.
Tobin said she appreciated teachers focused on how students were feeling. Doing school from home also reassured her that she was safe.
“It was hard learning, but also easy at the same time,” Tobin said.
Schultz said she bonded with her younger sister.
“We were stuck in the house together, couldn’t go anywhere in the summer,” Schultz said with a smile. “All we did was fun things together, as a family.”
Schultz also gave thanks for a long-standing mentoring program at her junior high where she helped sixth-grade students navigate the school. A similar program exists at her new high school.
One of the main things the students want to see is for their school districts to learn from the past year and keep what worked while throwing out what didn’t.
In one particular class, Schultz said most of the students’ cameras were off but she and a few others turned theirs on. One student followed suit, then another. Pretty soon almost everyone turned their cameras on. The classroom, albeit online, felt a little brighter. Those courageous and optimistic first steps were contagious.
“We can show our feelings to others,” Schultz said. “You don’t have to be afraid to try something new, ask questions or to be curious. You can do anything out of your comfort zone. You can just go for it.”
This content was originally published here.