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As the fall 2020 semester approaches (classes begin on August 24), the Community College of Aurora has developed a plan that prioritizes your health and safety while still delivering high-quality instruction and the support services you need. As always, we will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and abide by any pertinent orders from the governor, Tri-County Health, the Colorado Department of Higher Education, and the Colorado Community College System. 

Here’s what you can expect as a fall 2020 student at CCA…

Applying to CCA

If you haven’t yet applied to CCA, you can apply online. The application is free and easy to complete. If you need help applying, you can call 303-360-4918 or email

Registering for Classes

If you’ve already applied to CCA but haven’t registered for classes, you can register online. If you need help registering, you can call 303-360-4797 or email

Tuition Assistance

If you were enrolled in in-person classes at CCA as of March 13, 2020, and were financially impacted by the disruption to campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or you were enrolled in CCA concurrent enrollment classes as of March 13, 2020, and have now graduated from high school, you may qualify for a $500 tuition grant through the U.S. Department of Education CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.

You can apply for a $500 tuition grant here. The application deadline is September 8, 2020.

Because we want to support all students, CCA has secured additional funding for students who don’t qualify for CARES Act funding. If you don’t qualify for CARES Act funding, you’ll be contacted separately by CCA’s Dean of Students to discuss other options.  

Fall Classes at CCA

Most fall classes will not meet in person and will instead maximize what’s called synchronous remote delivery. When registering for courses, please remember that CCA Online courses and CCC Online courses aren’t the same. For CCA Online courses, your instructor is from CCA and teaches only CCA students. For CCC Online courses, your instructor is from CCCS (Colorado Community College System) and teaches students from multiple colleges.

The synchronous remote delivery method that CCA will employ utilizes instant chat and videoconferencing tools, allowing you to interact in real time with your teachers and fellow students.

Only those programs and/or classes that fall into one of the following three categories will have any amount of in-person instruction, and in-person instruction will still be limited to only those activities that can’t occur remotely:

On-Campus Health and Safety Protocols

When it’s possible in August for you to go on campus for appointments, certain classes, lab usage, and other preapproved reasons (see “Support Services You Can Expect” section below), please be sure to follow the health and safety protocols outlined below. These requirements are based on guidance from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Colorado Department of Higher Education, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Tri-County Health Department.

Before coming to campus, do a thorough personal assessment and ask yourself these three questions

“Am I displaying any COVID-19 symptoms?”

Symptoms include fever above 100.4, tiredness or fatigue, chills, muscle pain, cough, loss of taste or smell, difficulty breathing, headache, and sore throat. If you’re displaying any of these symptoms, please don’t come to campus and instead contact a healthcare provider or the Tri-County Health Department (303-220-9200) for further information and to inquire about COVID-19 testing. You may return to campus only after you are symptom-free and have had a temperature below 100.4 for at least three consecutive days.

“Do I have a family member or household member who is displaying COVID-19 symptoms?”

If yes, don’t come to campus and instead contact a healthcare provider or the Tri-County Health Department (303-220-9200). Also, be sure to contact the Dean of Students office (303-360-4771) for information and instructions regarding course options.

“Have I been knowingly exposed to anyone with COVID-19?” 

If yes, don’t come to campus for 14 days after exposure. If you develop symptoms, contact a healthcare provider or the Tri-County Health Department (303-290-9200). 

While on campus, you must… 

Wear a face covering that covers both your nose and mouth when inside any campus building or when interacting within six feet of another person outside of buildings. If you’re not wearing a face covering, you must have an approved accommodation (see below). Face coverings may include a purchased or homemade mask, scarf, bandana, gaiter, or handkerchief. If you don’t have a face covering, you can get one at either of the Welcome Centers on the CentreTech (Administration Building, main entrance) or Lowry (West Quad, south entrance) campuses. 

Practice appropriate social distancing of at least six feet between yourself and others. 

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water and/or use the hand sanitizer available throughout both campuses. There will be 30 hand-sanitizing stations set up throughout CCA’s campuses for your use. 

Cover coughs or sneezes using a disposable tissue or your sleeve or elbow. 

If you demonstrate COVID-19 symptoms, you must report this to your course instructor, return home, and contact a healthcare provider. 

Taking a break… 

Wearing a face covering for an extended period can be taxing, and you may need to take an occasional break. Before removing your face covering, you must go outside and away from building entrances. Once you’ve removed your face covering, you must continue to practice appropriate social distancing. 

When interacting with others… 

If a person isn’t wearing a face covering while on campus, kindly remind them of the requirement to wear one. Students and potential students who can’t wear a face covering due to a disability or health reasons should seek an exemption or accommodation by contacting the Office of Disability and Equity (303-340-7548) while visitors should contact Human Resources (303-360-4934). 

Individuals who have received an approved accommodation or exemption from wearing a face covering can refer any questions they receive from others on campus to Human Resources (303-360-4934) or the Dean of Students’ office (303-360-4771). 

If someone is refusing to wear a face covering absent a medical reason, please notify the Dean of Students’ office (303-360-4771) if the person is a student or Campus Security (CentreTech 303-360-4727, Lowry 303-419-5557) if the person is a visitor. 

A person who is uncomfortable with others’ lack of facial covering or social distancing may excuse themselves from participating in class or another activity. 

Lastly, if/when you’re on campus, you’ll notice a few differences. There will be arrows on floors inside buildings indicating which direction you should walk, 30 hand-sanitizing stations set up throughout CCA’s campuses for your use, plexiglass at the Welcome Center desks to help prevent the spread of germs, and disinfecting-wipe stations to clean copiers and computers before and after your use.  

Support Services You Can Expect 

Advising. Appointments will be available via phone, email, and WebEx. In-person appointments will be available on an as-needed basis. 

Tutoring. Sessions will be available via Zoom. In-person sessions will be available by appointment. 

Computer labs. Certain computer labs will be available for your use by appointment. 

Library. You’ll have access to online collections and 24/7 chat services via AskAcademic. To access the library’s physical books, staff will retrieve and hold them for you at the service desk; you’ll then return them via a drop box. Research appointments will be available via Zoom, and you’ll be able to rent calculators. Library tables and make-up and accommodation testing will be available by appointment. 

This content was originally published here.