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NEVER Again. | Women’s Empowerment Denver

Today, something happened that will NEVER happen again.

Which sounds ominous, but consider this post a love letter, from me, to you. Also, from me, to me.

Today, something happened that will NEVER happen again, because I won’t allow it.

I’m not going into personal details – we all know dirty laundry online never benefits anyone. Some of the “experts” say that you’re not supposed to share personal details in your business. It’s “unprofessional.” I have always found quite the opposite, actually. My business is inextricably linked to me, and the bond that my clients and I share is not something that most business experts understand.

After what happened today, the usual course of events would have involved a lot of tears and angst and panic. Anxiety over the unknown. Worrying about what is going to happen, self reflection.

What did I do wrong?
Why do I keep going through this?
Am I just not worth anything better?
Is this really happening?

All of these questions have played over and over again in my head for far too long, and you can imagine how immensely draining that is. Exhaustion sets in, and it drags us down with it. We are strong, but even the strongest person caves under pressure when it’s been happening for years. Or, they develop some coping mechanisms, and often they’re not really healthy. Previously, I would completely FREAK OUT. Crying, emotions, upset, anything and everything all at once. A FLOOD of emotions, all negative, making it hard to see through them all.

And instead, there is a sense of peace.

Because what happened today will never, EVER happen again.

My kids deserve better. I deserve better.

Yes, there are still tears. Yes, there are still emotions. But instead of dark clouds overhead, I see the light through the clouds. I see the peace and the limitless life behind the clouds. Because “every storm runs out of rain.” (from the incomparable Maya Angelou) I feel peace, knowing that this will pass and everything will be okay.

I know that I’ve shared this before, but I’m sharing it again. Because I’m telling myself what I have shared with you all for YEARS now.

You are worth anything that your heart desires.
You are valuable, simply because you’re human.
You are beautiful, right now, as you are.
You can design your life in a way that feels GOOD to you, that helps you feel at peace, so that you can serve others in a bigger way.
You are worth EVERYTHING that your heart desires.

These words have been on repeat for my clients for a very long time, and it’s so funny how we often teach what we most need ourselves, right?

I am worth anything that my heart desires.
I am valuable, simply because I’m human.
I am beautiful, right now, as I am.
I can design my life in a way that feels GOOD to me, that helps me feel at peace, so that I can serve others in a bigger way.
I am worth EVERYTHING that my heart desires.

It wasn’t easy to type those out in first person, but it is getting easier. As you read this, if you can, read the words out loud. In first person. Because I don’t know of ANY woman that doesn’t need to hear these words at least every once in awhile.

I am strong.

You are strong.

You can make it through anything that life throws at you, and come out on the other side stronger, more resilient, and more BADASS than you ever imagined.

I can make it through anything that life throws at me, and come out on the other side stronger, more resilient, and more BADASS than I ever imagined.

Being completely removed from my clients, my art, and my business has been difficult. Silver linings are abundantly present for sure – but knowing that I am able to touch and lift up so many women around me is such an unbelievable gift.

And because I can’t photograph you right now – because my county STILL isn’t allowing it, please accept this love letter instead. As soon as we are able to reopen, I will have you back in my studio, to remind you of how amazing you are.

Until then, please accept my words as a temporary substitution.

I’m sure that I will be reading them to myself as well later tonight. Possibly with tears, but definitely with peace and harmony in my heart.

The love and the power that you hold inside of you is absolutely amazing. Once you let go of self-doubt, shame, and self-abuse, you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to.

May we ALL remember that, and live it, and encourage our fellow ladies to live it as well, so that we can raise the next generation to know it with ZERO doubts.

Crossing our fingers for July 1.

Love & Adventures & Peaceful Self-Love,


Ready to book your session!? I’m excited to work with you! Women’s empowerment Denver is a passion of mine, and I can’t wait to share it with you. Click here to contact me and get more information about booking your session with me!

I am so privileged to be a top Denver boudoir photography specialist! My clients’ privacy is a top priority for these intimate portraits. Any and all boudoir images that are posted have been shared by the subject with written permission. I am honored that my clients choose to share their images with the world, and talk about their experiences with those images.

Are you a photographer that needs help with your business? A super hot business resource for photographers and creative business owners is here! Click here to get more information!

This content was originally published here.