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(“Boy” Neville knows best – Promoted by Colorado Pols)

If you follow the Colorado Times Recorder, you know we’ve been trying to figure out if some Republican leaders in Colorado, like Colorado Republican House leader Patrick Neville of Castle Rock and U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), believe masks provide any protection whatsoever against getting COVID-19.

Neville put the question to bed this week, posting on Facebook that masks “don’t accomplish anything.”

Neville’s comment came in response to Trump attorney Jenna Ellis’ Facebook post.

“So my question for the anti-maskers is: Is THIS really the battle worth fighting?” asked Ellis, who’s a former Colorado Christian University faculty member. “The whole you gotta wear pants in public thing has been a law for quite a while. I don’t see a lot of freedom fighters streaking to stick it to the tyrants.”

“I’m asking for valid arguments of ‘overreach’ for government temporarily requiring them to be worn while in public places,” continued Ellis on Facebook. “(Private businesses are a different issue.)”

Neville then responded that masks “don’t accomplish anything,” adding that he “often” wears one out of politeness, without explaining why he thinks masks are useless.

You might have guessed this was Neville’s position, after photos emerged of him standing maskless in a crowded cafe recently.

But now we have words on Facebook to verify it.

So the question naturally comes to mind: Is there any typee of information, on the internet or in books, from any scientific institution or individual, from anywhere, that could convince Neville that masks help stop the spread of COVID-19 from the person wearing the mask to others?

Here are a few trustworthy sources: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, saying masks are worth wearing.

So, what are Neville’s sources? What does he base his thinking on? Where does his logic sprout from?

A call to Neville seeking to know where he got the facts to make him feel comfortable going maskless was not returned.

Colorado Congressman Ken Buck once said he wouldn’t wear a mask on an airline trip back to Washington D.C. Then Buck was photographed wearing a mask on an airplane.

So maybe Buck wears a mask out of politeness, as Neville does, and thinks they don’t accomplish anything.

We don’t know what’s going on, is the bottom line, with Buck or Neville.

This content was originally published here.