Picture Story
On a spring camping trip a couple of years ago, I was hiking on a clear, warm evening. A gentle breeze was blowing as I walked up to a point overlooking the wildlife preserve I found myself in. Gazing around I was amazed as melting snow patches revealed new life. Coming up in abundance from a cold and snowy winter were wildflowers and grasses. As their leaves and pedals touched the sun for the first time it was a sure sign of the changing seasons.
As the spring day came to a close the sun began to set. In it’s vibrant Colorado fashion the sky lit up with different hues of yellow and orange. I took this as a sign to begin wandering back to camp. On my way down towards my campsite I noticed a flower poking out of the rocky soil at my feet. This flower turned out to be a Castilleja, more commonly known as an Indian Paintbrush. This being one of my favorite Wildflowers in Colorado became the perfect subject for a photo. Out of the rocky and seemingly dead soil life was forming. Drowned in the colors of the setting sun, and next to a nice granite stone the flower had made its home.
With the silhouette of some mountains in the background and the dry , life giving foreground I had found a picture that told an entire story. After a few shots were taken the sun sank behind the mountains and I began to finish my trek back to camp. Upon arrival I quickly built a fire and began editing my photos beside it. A cozy night to wrap up a wonderful and inspiring adventure.
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This content was originally published here.