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The Victoria Enmon Award recognizes the incredible effort CMN Hospitals hospital program directors put toward the Extra Life program. Through this award, those who ensure that Tori’s legacy continues to shine are honored.

Each year at Children’s Hospitals Week we recognize the incredible effort our program directors put towards the Extra Life program. Through the Victoria Enmon award, we honor the best of the best who ensure that Tori’s legacy continues to shine.

We are thrilled to announce the 2020 Victoria Enmon Award Recipient is Kacie Thomas from Children’s Hospital Colorado.

In 2020, she increased Extra Life fundraising more than 53% — which is astounding considering all that the year threw at us.

Kacie’s communication and personal engagement with Extra Life participants were a driving factor in their fundraising success. By staying consistent with her regular engagement this past year, she utilized platforms like Zoom, Discord, and Facebook to keep the community connected. On a monthly and quarterly basis, Kacie hosted Extra Life hangouts and webinars to ensure the Denver Extra Life participants had a strong community and were educated on their impact at Children’s Hospital Colorado.

Additionally, Kacie would reach out monthly on a one-on-one basis to top participants to share stories about their impact at the hospital. As fundraisers, we know that consistency and flexibility are the keys to success, and Kacie nails it every time. Kacie’s willingness to talk to anyone and listen to their ideas to grow Extra Life has driven new partner’s employee engagement, eSports participation, and new signature Extra Life events in Denver.

Kacie is loved by the participants in this program, which speaks to her stewardship skills. This rapport means gamers are open to suggestions for various fundraising avenues, and many have also started engaging the companies where they work for an employer match to boost the program.

Regularly Kacie collaborates with their corporate partner’s team internally to strategize new partnership options for Game Day sponsorships, leading to more gaming and technology companies for Game Day support than ever before!

The significant growth in fundraising has come from many areas, but the driving factor is Kacie’s personal relationships with the local Extra Life community.

Kacie, thank you for engaging with your local Denver Extra Lifers and keeping Tori’s legacy strong in your community.

This content was originally published here.