As newly-named North America Global Director for Capitol Ministries, Brian Solomon has the formidable task of growing CapMin in the United States and Canada – nations that in land mass rank third and second, respectively, in the world.
It is a daunting job description to be sure, but like his CapMin colleagues who are laboring to “create disciples of Jesus Christ in the political arena of the world,” Pastor Solomon senses God’s call to the task.
“God’s sovereignty is wonderful to consider—that the God of the universe knows me and orchestrates the events and affairs of my life and He wields them for my good and His ultimate glory,” Pastor Solomon said.
“This new position with Capitol Ministries is not something that I have pursued out of a sense of selfish ambition; rather God has placed an opportunity before me to bear the great name of Jesus from a platform of His choosing.
“I simply want to be faithful, so I say to Him ‘Here am I Lord, send me.’”
Ralph Drollinger, President and Founder of Capitol Ministries who named him to the position in late 2021, said Pastor Solomon is among several exceptional men God has recently raised up to further CapMin’s mission around the world.
“The Lord equips those who He has called and He has prepared Brian well for this vital role,” Drollinger said. “Brian is theologically deep, a terrific communicator and trainer, biblically reliant, and committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by reaching this crucial affinity sphere of public servants in North America. He gets CapMin’s big picture of reigniting the Bible’s top-down missions strategy.”
Since becoming a member of the CapMin team in 2019, Pastor Solomon has been co-leader of the discipleship Bible study to Ohio Legislators with Brian Hanson. As he travels frequently for his other CapMin role of Director of International Ministries, Pastor Hanson welcomed the ministry partner.
When he first joined CapMin, Pastor Solomon intended to move his family—wife Naomi and four daughters—to Colorado to begin a ministry to state legislators. However, due to circumstances, including COVID-19 complications, those plans were not accomplished. In this new position, the family will remain in Ohio and Pastor Solomon continue to co-lead the Ohio ministry.
As he begins this new year in a new, additional role, Pastor Solomon has two main objectives. First, he will connect with current ministry leaders who are serving in North America and further his friendships with them.
“Gospel ministry is tough and can be discouraging at times,” he said. “I want to encourage our men to stay the course, to continue on in this vital ministry that God has called us to.”
His second primary aim will be to help Drollinger recruit ministry leaders for those U.S. state capitols that still do not have Bible-study based discipleship ministries for public servants.
“Scriptures tell us that ‘faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ’ (Romans 10:17),” he said. “It’s so important to take the Word of God to political leaders because this affinity sphere desperately needs to hear the Gospel.
“The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation and it fundamentally changes the values and worldview of the individual.
“Additionally, these public servants bear the great responsibility of shaping laws and policies that impact our world and affect so many. The stakes are high.”
As North America Director, Pastor Solomon is charged with overseeing, shepherding and leading all U.S. state capital ministries, working with Drollinger and Pastor Hanson to recruit ministry leaders and plant additional federal, state, and provincial ministries, and working with Dan DeShong, CapMin’s Local Government Ministries Director to establish ministries to city and county public servants in North America.
Pastor Solomon earned a Bachelor of Science in the Bible from Baptist Bible College and completed coursework in the Master of Ministry program from Baptist Bible Seminary, both in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania.
He has also completed coursework in the Master of Ministry program at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio. He formerly served as pastor of family ministries at Southgate Baptist Church in Springfield, Ohio.
Pastor Solomon said he often marvels at the ultimate impact that CapMin’s work to teach the Word of God to political leaders can have on nations.
“Oh, that the political leaders of our day across the world would embrace the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then tether the affairs of their nations to a biblical worldview!” he said.
“What we do at CapMin is requisite and indispensable relative to changing the course of a nation.
“What change could be wrought in our world. What a high calling that God has given to us. As we are faithful in carrying the name of Jesus into the political realm, may God use our efforts to see many come to know the Lord and serve Him!”
The post “The Stakes are High” – Brian Solomon To Further CapMin’s Mission Across North America appeared first on Capitol Ministries.
This content was originally published here.