It was another roller coaster week for unemployed America that saw hope as the week began after Congress agreed to extend jobless benefits into the new year but then came to a screeching halt.
Those benefits went from an extra 16 weeks down to 11, but the agreement on the new federal relief bill granted other requests — specifically asked for by Colorado’s unemployed — and offered additional aid to small business owners, the restaurant industry and shuttered live-event venues.
But several days after Congress passed the new relief plan, President Donald Trump is uncertain if he’ll play ball. That may change by the time you read this, but one thing that’s certain, there are around 288,000 out-of-work Coloradans whose benefits stop Saturday.
The new relief plan, when passed, will take weeks to implement, and by then, thousands more will see their benefits exhausted. (Read this past column to see the potential timeline.)
As it is, in the latest numbers, more than 50,000 Coloradans filed a new claim for unemployment last week. They’re joining another 253,333 who are making a continued claim as of Dec. 12.
The big list of Colorado support
For those struggling to have a decent holiday, it’s time to focus on other resources that will help you get through the next several weeks. I compiled a list of resources for housing, utilities and other help partly based on The Sun’s past reporting.
I also learned from a story by my colleague Thy Vo that the last three days of the year can bring in 10% of the nonprofit industry’s annual giving. Most of the organizations listed here accept donations. So, if you’re feeling extra generous this week, my go-to suggestion is to visit the nonprofit-run 211Colorado.org, which sorts charities by need or ZIP code. Pick the ones that make sense for your family and make an impact in your own community.
→ Quick links: Food // Housing // Housing disputes // Bills // Legal // Health care // Mental health // Business grants and loans // Job resources // Internet // Camaraderie // Everything else
Need food?
Hunger Free Colorado has a “food finder” and a hotline at 1-855-855-4626 for Coloradans who can’t afford to eat. There’s also information on how to sign up for publicly-supported SNAP and WIC food programs. >>
Food Bank of the Rockies distributes 2 million pounds of food a week. A list of food pantries statewide is provided here.
Housing help
Emergency Housing Assistance Program is a state funded program for renters and homeowners who need to get rents or mortgages paid during the pandemic. >>
Property Owner Preservation (POP) program is a state-funded program for landlords to apply for rent on behalf of their tenants. There are monthly rent limits. >>
Colorado Housing Connects is also a state-funded resource for renters and landlords that provides free legal advice and assistance. >>
Resident Relief Foundation is funded by the Colorado Apartment Association. Coloradans with a good rental history who have lost a job due to COVID or another illness, or have seen reduced incomes are encouraged to apply. There are no monthly rent limits. >>
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless provides assistance in finding permanent housing or keeping current housing. >>
Housing Now is Salvation Army’s housing program to assist those who face the loss of their housing or are already homeless. >>
Landing Locals connects long-term renters to available housing at vacant vacation homes in Telluride >>
Hilltop Family Resource Center: Provides aid with housing and other needs to folks in Grand Junction and Montrose areas. >>
Rent assistance programs by region (Aurora, Broomfield, Denver, Thornton, Jefferson County and more) >>
Colorado Foreclosure Hotline (877-601-HOPE) offers resources and options for mortgage holders falling behind. >>
Colorado Apartment Association’s list of regional housing help. >>
Housing disputes
Colorado and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have eviction moratoriums that end Dec. 31. If the new federal relief bill passes, the CDC moratorium would be extended to Jan. 31.
Eligibility: Tenants who cannot pay rent due to COVID-19-related job loss or reduced income must fill out this declaration and give it to their landlord. Landlords cannot kick out a renter and late fees cannot be charged through Dec. 31. Missed rent is due Jan. 1. >>
Mobile home residents can file a dispute resolution. >>
COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project — Provides free legal advice for struggling tenants, including legal representation. >>
9to5 Colorado: Also provides resources for housing issues, especially those living in mobile-home parks. >>
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Help with bills
Energy Outreach Colorado is a $4.8 million program that provides financial help with utility bills during COVID. It’s a result of state bill HB-1412, passed in June. >> 1-866-432-8435
Colorado LEAP is the Low-income Energy Assistance Program. It receives federal funding to pay for a portion of energy costs. >>
Need Help Paying Bills Colorado provides a plethora of links to more information about short-term assistance with utility bills, health care and housing. >>
Denver’s Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance program provides eligible Denver residents help with rent, mortgage and utilities. >>
Need health insurance? Coloradans who lose their jobs have 60 days to apply to Connect for Health. Browse plans here: .
Need free health insurance? You may qualify for Health First Colorado, which is free or at a lower cost since it’s Medicaid (see income guidelines).
Legal services
Colorado Legal Services provides legal assistance to low-income Coloradans. >>
Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado provides free civil legal services to low income residents. >>
Mental health support
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has programs and support groups to help those who need mental health support during the pandemic. Here’s a link to NAMI affiliates in Colorado.
Colorado Crisis Services connects folks to a mental health professional 24 hours a day year round at 1-844-493-8255 or text “TALK” to 38255. >>
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offer free, virtual support groups for individuals and families. >> .
Alcoholics Anonymous has a list, updated daily, of meetings in the Denver metro. Your health provider may also be able to connect you to local groups, including ones supported by a medical professional.
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Business grants, low-interest loans
Energize Colorado — Funded by federal and state money plus private donations, the program offers grants of up to $15,000 and loans up to $20,000. Round one awarded $6.7 million in grants to 500 businesses in the state with round two winners coming soon. While no longer taking applicants, bookmark this since it’s raising more funding for future awards. >>
Paycheck Protection Program — This popular loan program returns under the new federal relief bill. What’s new? Eligible businesses must have no more than 300 employees, show a 25% decline in revenues and can borrow up to 2.5 times their average monthly payroll (or 3.5 times for the food and hospitality industry). If 60% of the loan is used on payroll, it will be forgiven. More details will be available in January >> SBA PPP page
→ Don’t have a regular bank? Try a CDFI, or Community Development Financial Institution, which works with non-traditional businesses (read why startups with no experience, revenues or credit could still qualify for a loan). Organizations like Colorado Enterprise Fund and DreamSpring plan to offer PPP loans in 2021.
Job resources
Connecting Colorado should be familiar to anyone on unemployment since you must register with the state-run site to look for work. The jobs, too, are vetted by local workforce centers. On Dec. 24, there were approximately 73,974 open jobs. >> plus guide
Colorado Workforce Centers — These regional facilities offer access to computers, job training, career counselling and local employers who are hiring. >> Find your local Workforce Center
→ Denver’s Workforce Center offers “Now Hiring” video meetings with companies. >>
→ Pikes Peak Workforce Center recently added Upskill 2020, which is free and open to all Coloradans — and counts towards the state job training requirements. >>
COVID-19 Unsafe Worksite Report — To keep workers protected, the Colorado AFL-CIO began collecting reports from workers on the ground about unsafe working conditions during COVID. There were a lot. >>
Get connected
T-Mobile is offering free internet to students to help with remote learning through its Project 10Million program. Service plus mobile hotspots are available through school districts and are free to students who qualify for the National School Lunch program. >>
Comcast offers Internet Essentials at $9.95 a month for speeds of up to 25 mbps. It’s waiving monthly fees for 60 days to eligible new customers. Its Xfinity Wi-Fi public hotspots remain free to access. >>
PCs for People sells refurbished computers and low-cost internet — and those who meet income requirements could get a PC for free. >>
Unemployment camaraderie
Colorado Unemployment/PEUC/PUA group — This private Facebook group has grown 40% since I wrote about it earlier this month. It started as a group of strangers searching for answers to their unemployment holds and other issues. It’s developed into a community that has taken on an advocacy role by reaching out to local and national lawmakers. >>
→ : Colorado’s unemployment system is so overwhelmed that strangers have resorted to helping each other
Help with everything and other things
2-1-1 Colorado — Call 2-1-1 or visit the non-profit-run site to get help with housing, food, utility bills and more within your region. >>
Resources for Veterans includes links to legal, food, housing and other support (list provided by Colorado Legal Services). >>
Gabriel House Project: Helps families with baby needs like diapers. >>
Catholic Charities: Offers charitable aid for housing, health care and a variety of needs. >>
Denver Urban Renewal Authority has the Emergency Home Repair program to fix issues that pose an immediate danger to the health and safety of low-income Denver homeowners. >>
Rebuilding Together provides an Emergency Repair Program for urgent home repairs. >>
Volunteers of America offers skilled handymen and women to help make housing safer for older adults. >>
I hope this has been helpful to my Colorado community. If you have other resources to suggest or questions about what else may be out there, please email me at tamara@coloradosun.com and I will add it to the list.
Next week, I’ll be compiling a list of business resources and how to get started in the new year. Again, email me with your best tips. Have a safe end of the year everyone. And see you next year! ~tamara

is a Colorado Sun column for readers navigating pandemic employment. Read the archive and don’t miss the next one. Get this free newsletter delivered to your inbox by signing up at .
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This content was originally published here.